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Portfolio Study Tour
Keywords: Portfolio | Graphic Design | Layout Design | 2017 |
Submission portfolio for a study tour of the Industrial Design program created in 2017. My submission for partaking in a study tour to Korea and Japan in 2018 that was set-up by the Industrial Design program. However, at the last moment I, regrettably, did not submit the submission as I would have to delay my study by half a year in order to wait for the tour to start. Looking back I kinda wish that I had sent it. The document consists of a short overview me as a person, a motivation letter for joining the tour and a short portfolio. The portfolio first discusses some larger projects follow by some examples for the categories Solidworks, Drawing, Photoshop & Illustrator and Photography. The layout design was inspired by the study tour itself and its destinations Korea and Japan..
Early Concept drawing Modular Art Wall
Render Modular Art Wall
Front page (left) and the Introduction page (right)
Early Concept drawing Modular Art Wall
Render Modular Art Wall
Motivation letter (left) and an overview of who I am (right)
Early Concept drawing Modular Art Wall
Render Modular Art Wall
Project overview page (left) and a portfolio page showing Solidworks and Drawing work (right)
Early Concept drawing Modular Art Wall
Render Modular Art Wall
Page showing Photoshop and Illustrator work (left) and a page showing Photography work (right)