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Baby Monitor
Keywords: University Project | Drawing Project | Concept Creation | 2014 |
Concept drawings of a Baby Monitor for one of the drawing courses of my Industrial Design bachelor during 2014. Instead of solely focusing on the drawing aspect I decided to add a bit of background to the product. The concept of the Baby Monitor focusses on the idea to present the sound of the monitored baby through different channels than just sound. By visualizing the sound level of the monitored baby the device can inform the parents/guardians in a less intrusive way. The sound levels can be represented by color and light intensity. For example, the Baby Monitor can emit a soft green light if there is no or minimal sound and a vibrant red light when there is a lot of sound. The parent/guardian can turn on the sound of the Baby Monitor to check the situation. The parents/guardians can place the Baby Monitor next to the TV, turn the Baby Monitor to visuals only and watch TV. If the Baby Monitor lights up orange or red the parent/guardian can turn on the sound of the Baby Monitor and check the situation. Flashing lights and color combinations can be used to show when the batteries need replacement, the Baby Monitor receives no signal or other problems.
Mockup Modular Art Wall
Baby Monitor side view
Early Concept drawing Modular Art Wall
Render Modular Art Wall
3D drawing (Left) & battery replacing sketch (Right)
Early Concept drawing Modular Art Wall
Render Modular Art Wall
Alternative concept drawings (Left & Right)